Cortlandt Manor Rotary is conducting its revival of Battle of the Ducks at the refurbished Sprout Brook Park in Cortlandt Manor. Funds collected will help benefit our community projects
This event is a great way to engage the community in family fun as we safely return to normalcy. Your Cortlandt Manor Rotary will sell rubber ducks for $10.00 each leading up to the race on Sunday, October 3rd, 2021. See below for duck deals.
The ducks will tumble, splash, bob, and slosh their way down Sprout Brook, racing to the finish line to win prizes for their adopters. Three heats will be held narrowing the field to its climatic Duck Dash to the finish fishnet. The rubber ducks will be dropped from the bridge over Sprout Brook near its entrance. Located at Sprout Brook Park,130 Sprout Brook Road, Cortlandt Manor NY. The first duck to reach the finishing net will be the grand prize winner. Cash prizes of $1,000.00 for first place, $500.00 for second, and $250.00 for Third will be awarded. The winner is not required to be present
You can purchase Duck tickets with a credit card by calling our Duck Hotline at (914) 246-0135. Zenmo /Zelle payments accepted rotaryclubofcortlandtmanor@gmail.com.
Adopting a duck for the race will cost $10.00 per duck. A family of ducks (3 Ducks) for only $25.00 (a $5.00 savings) 6 Ducks (a Quack) for $45.00 (a savings of $15.00) and 13 ducks, a whole FLOCK for $100.00 (savings $30.00).