The Annsville WWII Monument Rededication lists those who proudly served in our country's Armed Services, preserving our freedoms, in WWII hailing from Annsville (known as Anns Kill under the Dutch). The Rotary Club of Cortlandt Manor proudly unveiled this commemoration of our WWII veterans on the Sunday of Memorial day weekend, May 29th 2016.
It was a neglected piece of property, overrun by weeds, no longer visible from the Old Albany Post Road, so forgotten that even some of the wait staff at the Cortlandt Colonial located across the street did not know existed. That was the condition of the Annsville WWII Monument located at the corner of Dogwood Road & Albany Post Road in Cortlandt Manor, NY. It lists those who proudly served in our country's Armed Services, preserving our freedoms, in WWII hailing from Annsville (known as Anns Kill under the Dutch)
Rita Sharples, newly installed as President of the Cortlandt Rotary in 2014, set out to restore the monument to its former glory. She visions the clean up of the monument as a goal of her tenure as President. It had been attempted in small ways since 2010.
Sharon Irving, Cortlandt Rotary Charter President, then pitched in. Maryellen Rose expanded the search for information on the veterans. Rita also enlisted the resources of The District 7230, which comprises 46 clubs and over 1300 Rotarian’s. They contributed a grant to help defray the costs.
Jose Patino, a local landscaper and owner of NYS landscaping helped in cleaning up the monument
So under a beautiful blue sky on Sunday of Memorial day weekend, the Cortlandt Manor Rotary re-dedicated the WWII Monument which honored known Annsville residents who enlisted in the US military.
The Ceremony opened with the Invocation by the community service minded WHUD Radio Personality Kacy Morabito Grean. Rita Sharples then welcomed all for coming and showing their respect. All stood as a beautiful Presentation of the Colors was made by the Peekskill American Legion Post #274. The American flag was raised by Ruth Booth Dale. As patriots did then, she persistently put the American flag up every morning at the old wooden monument. It was located at the Southeast corner of Old Albany Post Road and Sprout Brook Road in Cortlandt Manor (formerly known as Annsville).Then retired it each evening until the monument was moved. Eugene Booth had an old photograph of the post WWII wooden monument prior to the building of the newer monument where it is presently located.
Inga and Linda Jamison, daughters of Willis Jamison who appears on the wall, raised the Armed Services Flag. Both Flags were generously donated by the Town of Cortlandt.
Randi Mendel, a young talented student from the Cortlandt School of the Performing Arts, sang our National Anthem. It was nice touch to have participation in this memorial by our future generation.
Guest speakers followed. First Eugene W Booth spoke. He is the only surviving member left, that is inscribed on the monument. It was a great honor to have the former Hen Hud principal at the re dedication. Next up, our elected officials. Dan Pagano represented NYS Senator Terrence Murphy. NYS Assemblywomen Sandy Galef spoke. She was followed by Westchester County Legislator John Testa. Mayor Frank Catalina of Peekskill was heard from. A message from Town of Cortlandt Supervisor Linda Puglisi was read by Rita Sharples.
A wreath in honor of the passing of these veterans was laid ceremoniously by Nancy & Ruth, daughters of John "Jack" Davies with Mary Tronto and Nicolo Basalyga of the Goldberg Family.
Rotary District 7230, Past District Governor George Camp, of the Ossining Rotary, who is known for his relentless dedication to ending polio worldwide, did the benediction.
Rotary District 7230, Past District Governor George Camp, of the Ossining Rotary, who is known for his relentless dedication to ending polio worldwide, did the benediction.
The ceremony concluded with Taps being played by Philip G Miller
If you have any information on the monument not mentioned or would like more information on the Cortland Rotary please visit our web site or like us on our Facebook page.