Rotary Club of Cortlandt Manor
Service above Self
We are part of a national network of 1.2 million problem-solvers. We see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.
For more than 110 years, Rotary's "people of action" have used their passion, energy, and intelligence to execute sustainable projects. From literacy and peace to water and health, we are always working to better our world, and we stay committed to the end.
Your Cortlandt Rotary is involved with Senior Citizens, Veterans, Special Needs Adults, children of the third and fifth grade, a free local family concert and movie series, and youth leadership training
We are a service organization located right here in our community. It's an organization that has been helping communities for over 100 years, and specifically, 10 years in Cortlandt. We are made up of 100% unpaid volunteers from your area.
For Senior Citizens in coordination with the Community Center's staff, we hold annual Afternoon at the Academy Awards Party at the Murial H. Morabito Community Center. Over 90 of Cortlandt Manor's seniors, usually appeared for this special event. They would dress up, get served a hot lunch, be entertained by a 3 piece dance band, watch trailers for the nominated best movies, and actually vote for their choice. Prizes were awarded in categories of best dressed, as well as the person with the highest # of correct Oscar choices.
For the Veterans, we honored the WWII Veterans from Annsville when we "Rededicated the WWII Monument" opposite the Cortlandt Colonial Restaurant. The Rotary Club of Cortlandt has enhanced and improved the area surrounding this beautiful tribute over the past year.
For the Special Needs Adults, Cortland Manor Rotary also was first worldwide to establish a Rotary Community Corp for special needs adults. RCCs are for people who can't join a rotary club. They are established to have its members commit to a sustainable community project on their own with Rotary support. There are currently over 40 members at the Keon Center. These members contribute to our community through fundraising activities the RCC takes on. On April 1st, they organize an Annual Spaghetti Dinner to donate monies to a number of charities that have benefited from the efforts of these special needs adults, getting involved in our complicated society and enjoying it.
For children, CMR has involved itself in a Literacy program. Through monies raised by the club, we handed out Dictionaries to the third graders and Thesaurus to the 5th graders. Many 5th graders still had the dictionaries we handed out to the 2 years earlier. Few learning tools are provided free, for the student to take home and keep, let alone not need a battery.
For families, we have partnered with the Town of Cortlandt in helping defray the cost of the annual outdoor concert and movie series at Cortlandt Waterfront Park with free admission. Through our and the townships fundraising abilities, we attract local community-minded sponsors who are looking to give back to the community they and live work in. Their sponsorship is greatly appreciated and fortify this community’s dedication to shopping locally. It was very successful in bringing a no-cost family affair to our township last year. Think of what a concert or movie for a family of 4 costs these days. We even provide free popcorn.
For the teens, in coordination with other Rotaries, a Rotary Youth Leadership Awards event are held. It's a program for 10th graders, used to energize the next generation of community leaders. RYLA develops young leaders while inspiring them to connect, exchange ideas, and take action in their schools and communities, thru activities performed in a weekend. There is also an interact club (Rotary teaching hands-on community involvement in teenagers)
In summary “We are the little club that does BIG things. Come join the fun”
We meet the first and third Tuesday of every month at 6:30 at the Cortlandt Colonial Restaurant in Cortlandt. For more information please call 914-246-0135